Area Agency on Aging
(509) 634-2826 | (509) 634-2793 fax
Open 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Mon.-Thurs.
The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Area Agency on Aging serves all of the senior population 55 years of age and older on the Colville Indian Reservation.
The Area Agency on Aging building is located on Lakes St. across the street from the IHS clinic in Nespelem.
The mission of the Area Agency on Aging program is to provide quality and high caliber supportive and nutritional services for senior participants, to promote a healthier lifestyle and increased socialization.
We offer:
Access Services
Information and Resource Services
Legal Services
Senior Employment Training
Family Caregiver Support
Kinship Caregiver Support
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition
SHIBA Helpline
Case Management
Joel Boyd, Area Agency on Aging Program Manager
(509) 634-2759
How do I qualify?
A client intake form needs to be filled out and is available at each of the senior meal sites or at the top of this page. If you are unable to do so, contact one of the Elder Assistants listed on the form and they will make an appointment to do an assessment for services at your home or at the senior meal site.
Services are available to Colville Tribal members and Non-Colville Tribal members who are living on the Colville reservation.
AAoA serves those in the greatest social and economic need, with special emphasis placed on low-income elders.
Anyone with a disability aged 18 or older may receive assistance with transportation and nutrition services.
Kinship Caregiver Support service assists individuals who are raising a grandchild or relative's child(ren).
Seniors Farmers Market provides seniors with fruits, vegetables, and herbs from local produce vendors.