Food Distribution

(509) 634-2767 | (509) 634-2795 fax
Open 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Mon.-Thurs.
Food Order Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-4:15pm
​(Office may be closed at end of month for inventory, so be sure to call ahead if you need food assistance.)

**For emergency assistance after hours or on the weekend:
Call (509) 978-9364 and leave a detailed message and someone will get back to you ASAP.

We provide USDA nutritional food items (fresh fruits and vegetables, dry goods, canned good and frozen food) to low-income eligible households and the public. Some of our offerings change depending on season and availability - we sometimes carry personal care and hygiene products or even pet food when it's available. Call ahead if you have questions about what we currently have on hand.


FOOD DISTRIBUTION - Commodity foods are available to low-income households residing on the Colville Reservation, any Federally recognized enrolled Tribal members on the North Half, and within a 15-mile radius of the Colville Reservation. The household can NOT be receiving SNAP benefits (food stamps) and use this service.

FOOD BANK - Northwest Harvest Foods, State Surplus Foods, 2nd Harvest Foods and other donated foods are available through the CCT Food Bank located in the Food Distribution building and is available to households once a week. Food items are given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Bi-monthly outreach to Keller, Omak and Inchelium Community Centers are scheduled for the first full week of each month and the third week of each month.

TRIBAL EMERGENCY FOOD VOUCHERS - Vouchers are given to low-income enrolled Tribal member households to purchase food items from the local Tribal store and Gene's Harvest Foods in Omak. A household can request a voucher four (4) times per year (July-June) with one voucher being an emergency need (funeral, relocation, fire, etc.). Applications are available through the Nespelem LIHEAP office or at Omak, Keller or Inchelium Community Centers.

7 Lakes St., Colville Agency (across from Trading Post east of Hwy. 155)

**TEMP. LOCATION AS OF MARCH 2025 - 38 Schoolhouse Loop Rd., Nespelem
(Tribal Court Conference Room on west side of building, look for sign at double doors)


Food Distribution application
PDF - print, fill out, and fax

Food Distribution application
DOC - download, save and email


Aimee Gorr (509) 634-2376
Warehouse Coordinator

Richard Tonasket, (509) 634-2770 
LIHEAP/FDP/ Senior Assistance Program Manager