Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

(509) 634-2769 | (509) 634-2795 fax
Open 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Mon.-Thurs.
7 Lakes St., Colville Agency (across from Trading Post east of Hwy. 155)

**TEMP. LOCATION AS OF MARCH 2025 - 38 Schoolhouse Loop Rd., Nespelem
(Tribal Court Conference Room on west side of building, look for sign at double doors)

LIHEAP provides energy assistance to Tribal households and LIHWAP provides water bill assistance to Tribal households. To apply, you must be low-income eligible (see chart) and have an enrolled Tribal member over the age of 16 (any Federally recognized Tribe) living in your home on or within a 15-mile radius of the Colville Reservation.
Household income must be below the State Median Income guidelines and applications require proof of monthly gross income, a current heating fuel or water bill and Tribal ID.

Don't wait for your power or water to be turned off - apply today or give us a call for more information!


ENERGY CRISIS - Assistance is available under the LIHEAP program for energy-related emergencies to prevent service disconnection, reinstating service, or delivery of firewood, oil propane or wood pellets in instances were the household is unable to obtain.

WEATHERIZATION - Materials are available under the LIHEAP program for our low-income households to help make their dwelling more energy efficient and reduce the energy consumption and costs. It is a minor repair program and allows for such things as weather stripping, exterior door replacement, window glass repair or replacement, plastic window covering, door thresholds and caulking.

Assistance is available to enrolled Colville Tribal member seniors (age 55 and older) and/or permanently disabled (with verification) person who are head of the household and live on or within a 10-mile radius of the Colville Reservation, as a supplement to their energy needs. Colville Tribal members do NOT have to be low-income to receive assistance under this program. The household can only receive help ONCE during the current fiscal year. Households may choose only ONE type of energy source (wood, electric, propane, wood pellets, oil, etc.).


Richard Tonasket, (509) 634-2770
LIHEAP Program Manager
Cody W. Marchand, (509) 634-2769
LIHEAP Administrative Assistant

Applications & Forms

Energy Assistance
FY25 Senior Energy application DOC | PDF
FY25 Senior Wood application DOC | PDF
FY25 LIHEAP application PDF

Income Eligibility Guidelines PDF