nespelem Meal Site
Lunch served at 11:30am Monday-Thursday / Breakfast served at 9:30am on Fridays only
Christina Saxon
Elder Care Assistant, (509) 634-2187
Debora Bailey
Head Cook, (509) 634-2895
Denise George
Assistant Cook, (509) 634-2895
Forest Lowery
Driver/Handyman, (509) 634-2895
Benjamin Spencer
Driver/Handyman, (509) 634-2895
Music, Movies, Crafts, Puzzles, Card/Board Games, Bingo, Manicures, Exercise, Potlucks, Shopping, Senior Trips, Fundraising
Nespelem Meal Site
330 10th Street, Nespelem
(just E of Hwy. 155 on the N end of town)
(509) 634-2895
(509) 634-2183 fax